Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fire Fox is coming to Hong Kong Ocean Park

Fire Fox is coming to Ocean Park this April with the opening of a new attraction.  Fire Fox (or Red Penda) is yet another national treasure from China.  From the news, at least 2 to 4 Fire Fox will be coming soon.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Kung Hai Fa Choy - Year of the Ox

Hi Friends, today we celebrate the Chinese New Year and Year of the Ox.  It is a public holiday for 3 straight days and friends and relatives will be visiting each other to bring luck to each other.  Elder will be giving red pocket (Lai See) to children and this will help to spread the luck.  

As for the title of my blog (Kung Hai Fa Choy), that is a very common greeting used in Hong Kong to wish each other Fa Choy (rich) in the coming year.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New York Fries in Hong Kong

For those who misses the famous New York Fries from our food courts, New York Fries has finally arrived Hong Kong.

They have opened the first store in end Dec and people have been swamping the store.  There is actually a long queue outside the store almost everyday just get some fries.  If you are interested, the store is opened at Harbour City.

Google Search (on the Web and Hong Kong Cinemas)